Thursday, February 19, 2009

Post how you protest socialism in America!

Here's a few suggestions to help you stick it to this socialist Obama administration. Bad tips will be removed, tips must be anti-socialist or anti-government only. Government is completely useless, let's get rid of it. It all starts with you!

1) Spit on police officers
2) Pop the tires of city buses
3) Stand on train tracks, when a publicly funded train comes by do not move. Get out of the way of all private trains.
4) Steal old people's pills
5) Never use freeways or public roads, only drive on toll roads. If no toll road exists in your town, move.
6) Never use bridges
7) Never use tap water
8) If your house catches fire, let it burn. Use the opportunity to burn books written by Thomas Jefferson.
9) Never call 911
10) Never listen to radio
11) Never watch TV using over-the-air signals
12) Never use GPS
13) If you are convicted of a crime and are sentenced to prison, kill yourself, don't waste tax payer dollars
14) Never use libraries
15) Never go to the DC mall and visit the museums
16) Never go to Ellis Island
17) Never go to Mt. Rushmore
18) Never use any public park
19) Never boat on rivers, lakes, bays, only the ocean and only after you get far enough out to be in international waters are you truly sticking it to the socialist agenda
20) If you capsize your boat, do not call the coast guard, drown instead knowing you saved thousands of tax dollars
21) If you hike to the peak of a mountain and get caught in a storm or avalanche, do not call for help. Dying of exposure will show you truly are dedicated to keeping America socialism free!
22) Never consume FDA approved products
23) Never take a subway or bus anywhere
24) If you have kids, do not send them to public school, that's completely socialist
25) don't flush your toilets
26) never go to the beach
27) Never use the court system, don't be wasting tax payers dollars trying to get justice, concede and reference #13.
28) Never pay taxes, of course
29) Never understand that social commons are a necessity of any civilized nation, and commons are defined as any particular societal element which affects all citizens, including public investment markets. To do so, would be Marxist.
30) Always think government is evil, unless they are bombing brown people, then government is just being awesome.
31) Go into the public arena and confuse populism with socialism, close enough!
32) Alienate your friends by regurgitating excellent points made by Rush and Hannity, don't worry about fact checking. Don't forget to be a total dick to your friends too. To really be anti-socialist, you must shed all friendships with those who disagree with you.
33) Hate anyone who disagrees with you. You have 1 single perspective and no patience for other views. You are right and you know it!
34) Display your 100% lack of empathy by punching a retarded homeless man, then yell "Get a job bum!", then kick him while he's down. You just saved that man from a socialistic life of staying at YMCA and eating at Salvation Army. Do this knowing full well most homeless are faking it anyways. Drink a fifth of anything to celebrate.
35) Never ever concede points, even if they are backed up by proof, when debating someone you think is socialist.
36) Get a smart socialist to build you a time machine and take it back 3000 years, since that is where you belong. You are home.
37) If you see a veteran asking for hand outs alongside the road, summon him to your vehicle acting like you'll help him out, then mace him, he's faking it.
38) Keep your goddamn Government hands off my medicare!!!
39) Never eat inspected meat.
40) If you lose your job, do not take unemployment benefits. Feeding your family with money you've earned by paying into this system is socialist, and therefore evil.
41) If you are a veteran, do NOT take any free healthcare from the government. Even though you earned it, it's still socialist. Let that cyst metastasize knowing you didn't take any free rides from the government. Semper Fi.
42) Believe that Ronald Reagan's speech about the scariest words in the english language is a relevant point and not just the ramblings of a senile old man.
43) Pray to the Reagan 4 times daily.
44) Start a fund to help kids and wounded veterans (e.g. Hannity), then horde the proceeds in offshore accounts. Cover it up by changing the subject on your Faux news program. When called out, wrap yourself in the flag, call yourself a great American, change the topic as much as possible and call the kids and veterans un-American fascist-liberal-marxist-socialists (feel free to add any other meaningless rhetoric for effect). You just dealt a heavy blow to socialism my friend.
45) Believe everything Michelle Malkin says, research is for liberals.
46) Call the Health Insurance Reform law socialist, don't bother reading it. You know it's Govt. run healthcare because Glenn Beck told you so. Use this intense unfocused anger to ram your SUV into cars on the highway that have Obama stickers on them. Sarah Palin says it's ok. Don't worry about the 10 year old kid inside, you're on the side of righteousness, and the stench of socialism is wafting off of that car stinging your nostrils. The only remedy is freedom....and of course blind rage.
47) Hang tea bags from your John Deere hat with a clothes pin. Fail to understand what the real Boston tea party was about, then claim this is a Republic and not a Democracy in direct contradiction of the Boston tea party. Knock back a tall Pabst and feel proud.
48) If you happen to be on the Texas education board, remove Thomas Jefferson from the list of founding fathers. That liberal socialist scum bag wanted the University of Virginia and all state schools like it to be publicly funded, good thing Reagan came along and fixed that mess. Ignore the fact that Jefferson started the Democratic-Republican party. Focus only on the fact that he removed the magic from the bible and made his own. What a marxist.
49) Tout your love for Jesus, then kick a liberal. Forget that the stories of Jesus are inherently socialist, then ask him for the Steelers to win.
50) Ignore the science of global climate change, believe that human industry has no effect on the planet. When it snows say "See, what a hoax" failing to realize that the climate change is a pendulum of extremes. Eat 2 double cheeseburgers.
51) Believe you are well educated and smart with well thought out theories backed by evidence. Then go back to installing a Dell for an old lady under a neon light. Tell yourself it's only temporary, just until this socialist Obama is taken out in 2012.
52) Check your stocks on eTrade, fail to notice that a little over a year ago the Dow was at 6500 and is now stable over 10000. Just erase that from the memory banks, fill it in with guns and god.

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